11 June 2008


- The Practice of Kalari - 

"The actual practice presents itself in class as a blend of
yoga, martial arts + dance. The four most important principles
in every class are grounding, alignment, flow + focus.  Other key
principles include the concept of Shiva (masculine) + Shakti (feminine),
expansion of sensory awareness, the embodying of animal spirits +
continuous flow of contraction + expansion + the reenactment
of the eternal cosmic story of creation + destruction.  Unlike in
many schools of modern yoga, experience is not induced by
the teacher's instructions + practitioners are usually not told
when to inhale or exhale. In Kalari, breath follows movement,
not movement following breath.  The practitioner's subtle as well
as his physical body's own innermost intelligence + power is
encouraged to unfold as he or she starts to truly embody the
forms." - quoted from the Kalari Sangham blog

I am so grateful to be learning this beautifully fluid, ancient practice
from my two newest teachers; Gerhard Schmid + Kai Hitzer.  

...more to come!